Assistant professor of internal medicine and pediatrics at Loyola University Health System Josephine Dlugopolski-Gach said, people who sell certain products in the online site is not concerned with the health of consumers, but just think of the advantages of doing business.
For that, you should not try to buy the following products online.
1. Drugs
Do not buy drugs online, though at a cheaper price than buying at the pharmacy. Not all drugs can be traded freely. This means that the online sites let you buy drugs without a prescription. Buying online is very risky you buy counterfeit or contain hazardous materials.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the Agency for Food and Drug Administration in the United States have ever flu drug Tamiflu sold online turned out to be counterfeit. Buy drugs in pharmacies reliable. Adhere to purchase prescription medications from your treating physician.
2. Supplements weight loss
Those who desperately want to lose weight instantly often tempted by ads for weight loss supplements on the internet. Just like the purchase of drugs, weight loss supplements bought online also feared just a fake supplements.
The FDA never found the supplements, even herbal products being sold online has been contaminated hazardous materials. "There are so many weight loss pills only stimulant. The pills contain a lot of caffeine is not safe for you who have heart problems," said Dlugopolski-Gach.
3. Breastmilk
The best food for babies is breast milk (ASI). However, not all mothers breastfed eject smoothly. Eventually needed donor milk also can not just be accepted by the infant. However, do not ever buy breast milk online. ASI that are sold online can not be ascertained origin.
According Dlugopolski-Gach, the milk may have been contaminated with the HIV virus to hepatitis, or bacterial due to storage and shipping unsafe. Today in America there are milk banks are safe because it has passed a series of tests and safe storage.
4. Capsule hormone
When women go through menopause, a decline in hormones that make sex drive decreased. Doctors Obgyn from Spectrum Medical Group Diana Bitner said, some women are tempted to buy drugs hormone replacement decreases, cream, or herbal products online.
Bitner claimed to have had patients who purchase products online hormone testosterone. "Very bad side effects, such as hair grows, heavier sound," he said.
According to Bitner, buy these products online can actually be harmful to health and will only be a waste of money. You do not know how many hormones that the body needs. For women, to reduce the symptoms of menopause should consult with a physician in order to receive appropriate treatment.