Pain before menstruation can be a symptom of endometriosis, which is a state at the time of menstrual blood into the abdominal cavity and grow in organs. This phenomenon is dangerous because it could potentially lead to infertility or sterility.
Endometriosis is a disease an important cause of infertility in women. As many as 20-40 percent of women are infertile patients with endometriosis. Endometriosis consists of endometrial cells which form the attachment in an organ. This attachment causes tremendous pain that is felt by women before, during and after menstruation.
Women will feel tremendous pain during menstruation, during sex, and even during defecation. Therefore, immediately consult a doctor to make sure the illness. The sooner endometriosis is detected, the easier handling.
This disease can cause infertility due to changes in ovarian anatomy, disorders of fetal development, and reduced function of the endometrium to receive implantation. The higher the severity of the disease, the higher the chances of infertile patients.
Difficult to heal total
Obstetrician and gynecologist Doctor's Hospital Kariadi, Fajar Siswanto, say, people affected by the case of endometriosis is difficult to recover completely. Despite surgery, the recurrence rate was relatively high disease that requires close supervision.
Not known for sure the main cause of this disease. There are two main possible causes of this disease, that genetic factors and high pollutant factors. Genetic factors, according to him, has not been found to prevent it, while caused by pollutants can be prevented by distancing themselves from sources of pollution.
The handling of this disease are usually two kinds, namely with surgery and hormone therapy. Usually doctors applying both, depending on the severity of the disease. However, there has not been the same standard of care among obstetricians.