The more we age, the ability of the brain decreases. However, now found a way to slow the brain damage that is calming the mind of all things alias meditation survived three minutes each day.
Researchers from the University of California examined the brain tissue of young and old people. Obtained data is not surprising that the brain tissue in the elderly more damaged than young children. However, it turns out the damage occurred starting in the mid-20s, which in turn can create aliases senile memory loss.
However, those who regularly do meditation may slow the poor ability of the brain.
"Meditation is like giving a brain exercise," said study author Florian Kurth, as reported by Men's Health, Tuesday (14/04/2015).
Through meditation can help the brain continues to grow despite increasing age. The impact of meditation can reduce stress was predicted researchers also have an impact on brain health.
This activity, should be done by those who often perform a variety of activities at the same time. Because meditation is able to exercise patience and peace of soul.
"Try to practice meditation every day. After 4-6 weeks you will feel the difference in the performance of the brain," said Florian.