The couple's relationship has been on the horns barely even lead to separation, but eventually they get insight in dealing with the relationship.
Therapist in California, Ramani Durvasula suggest a solution very unique and unusual. The pair is advisable to buy furniture and told them to assemble. So what effect assemble furniture to assemble a relationship?
There are good intentions expressed by Ramani to this pair. Lack of communication and cooperation make this pair tenuous bad effect on togetherness. With the method of assembling the furniture of the difficulties encountered would certainly establish a communication.
From this was born the togetherness that has long been closed by the distance they made themselves. One patient Ramani said that they were overwhelmed to install the furniture themselves until they call an expert
"I and laughed with my husband saw our work is messy and eventually contacted seoarang experts to fix it, but it does not make us give up," he said.
Not a few who assess at first the idea is very silly, but they feel the benefits of therapy raft furniture in an increasingly harmonious relationship.