Thursday, April 2, 2015

5 Ways to Suppress Appetite

One cause weight easier ride is hard to resist hunger. In fact, often when we've eaten but still feel hungry. Keeping that do not go h... thumbnail 1 summary

One cause weight easier ride is hard to resist hunger. In fact, often when we've eaten but still feel hungry. Keeping that do not go hungry stomach back could be the key to limiting the amount of calorie intake.

Here are 5 ways worth trying to suppress appetite or prolong satiety.

1. More Fat
It seems indeed counterproductive, but eating more fat is a smart strategy to lose weight, as long as the selected fat right. Experts say oleic acid, the good fats, will trigger the small intestine produce oleoylethanolamide, substances that will affect the nervous system and release the message to the brain that the stomach is already full.

Sources of good fats include nuts, avocados, olive oil and pure. Another advantage of fat consumption is delaying stomach emptying so that we feel full longer.

2. Small portions
Researchers from Arizona State University found that shredding food in small portions will encourage greater satisfaction than eating large meals, although the same amount of calories.

3. Flood endorphins
Experts say that the sports activities not only burn calories and speed up metabolism, but also restore the sensitivity of the nerves associated with satisfaction. This in turn will make us not be tempted to snack. Not only strenuous exercise can bring this effect, run times for 15 minutes was quite effective.

4. Breakfast
Start the day with a good activity, such as breakfast. In addition to increasing metabolism, breakfast was also a big influence on food intake. People are lazy breakfast eating sweet foods 40 percent more, consume soda 55 percent more, and eat less vegetables and fruits. Several studies have also mentioned the rare breakfast tend to be heavier.

5. Eat slowly
The study, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that eating quickly would inhibit the release of the hormone associated with satiety. As a result, a person overeating. Eating slowly also makes us feel more satisfied with what you eat.

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